Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Panduan Analisis Faktor Multi Group dari EduNet

In this module, we study recent changes in anti-immigration attitudes in 17 European countries. Anti-immigration attitudes are operationalised by means of a scale consisting of three items. Thus, the purpose of this module is to compare an attitude scale over different time points and across countries. However, comparing abstract concepts - such as attitude scales - involves additional methodological issues. Before meaningful comparisons can be made over time and across countries, it is necessary to guarantee that the variable of interest is measured in a sufficiently comparable way. After all, it could be the case that respondents in different countries interpret the items in very divergent ways, due, for example, to culture-specific terms or translation errors. It is also possible that the interpretation of items changes over time. Obviously, if the meaning of items is not constant over time and across countries, then we end up comparing apples and oranges.

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